
Showing posts from January, 2024

TQD Castings Germans

 Some white metal Germans from TQD castings. Great figures with plenty of details. They were a joy to paint, I surely will get some more from TQD.

Stanley in Africa

I'm back after some radio silence with more 1/72 scale plastics. I also decided to start a new blog, as the old one is a bit of a mess.  With the new blog I want to focus on late XIX century (roughly 1865-1900 period), but I might (and probably will ☺) jump to Napoleonics and other periods. With this post I want to present to you a conversion based on an figure found in HaT 8268 Askari set, with some parts from Italeri 6050 Zulu Wars British Infantry set, depicting the legendary explorer Henry Morton Stanley .  Above was roughly inspired by below photograph: Stanley 1872, Smithsonian Libraries and Archives, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons       Unfortunately, I could not find a suitable figure for Stanley's adopted son Kalulu , so I painted one of Hat 8269 Ruga-Ruga figures instead.   Thanks for reading!